A short housekeeping note (again)

If things have seemed rather quiet around here again, it’s because I’m making a final big push to finish my math methods textbook by the end of December — the brainpower required to sort through the headaches of Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials has left little room for insightful physics posts!

This week, I’m hoping to have a more-or-less complete version of all chapters save one plus appendices, which should give me some breathing room.  Provided that works out as planned, I should get back to some more detailed posts next week.

Once I’m back on track, I’ve got some nice and amusing history of science involving Lord Kelvin, my long-delayed post about the fiber optics Nobel prize research, and some more “optics basics” and “relativity” posts.

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5 Responses to A short housekeeping note (again)

  1. Blake Stacey says:

    Good luck! I’ve been trying to teach myself conformal field theory and the renormalization-group formalism for diffusion-limited reactions, so I know what not having the brainpower to blog feels like.

    • I’ve been trying to teach myself conformal field theory and the renormalization-group formalism for diffusion-limited reactions, so I know what not having the brainpower to blog feels like.

      Argh! You’ve made me feel like a n00b, struggling over my Bessel functions!

      I’m totally up for trying to arrange an MST3k showing at SciOnline’10, BTW!

    • Blake Stacey says:

      I’m much better at making my hobbies sound impressive than I am at actually learning physics. I am typing up my notes as I go along, though, so I might get a book of some sort out of my efforts.

      And I know I’ve got a DVD set of MST3k somewhere about the house. Hmmm, will have to look for that.

      (I can also bring all three seasons of Avatar and/or the box set of The Prisoner.)

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