The crappiest horror movie endings I can think of… and some of the best!

My recent rant about the ending of The Mist made me start thinking of various horror films which have really atrocious endings. Horror films seem particularly susceptible to crappy endings, as many writers and directors think that all horror movies have to end with a ‘shocker’ or an ‘ironic twist’. If well-planned, such an ending can be magnificent, but more often than not it ends up being a complete non sequitur. (Think about the ending to the remade Planet of the Apes.) A really goofy ending can also ruin what otherwise might have been a perfectly nice film. I decided to dredge my brain for examples of some of the worst horror movie endings. I’ll give a list, and then a spoiler-laden explanation of why I think they’re terrible. To clear the awful taste out of our mouths afterwards, I’ll list a few of my favorite horror endings… feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments!

1. The Mist (2007)
2. Invaders From Mars (1986)
3. The Village (2004)
4. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998)
5. House on Haunted Hill (1999)
6. The Haunting (1999)

Let me gripe about each of these in turn (SPOILER ALERT: I’M GOING TO BE TALKING ABOUT THE ENDINGS OF THESE FILMS. On the other hand, since the endings are ridiculous, you won’t lose anything if I ‘ruin’ them for you.)

1. The Mist. So Frank Darabont, the writer/director auteur of The Mist, provides for the most part an excellent, atmospheric, creepy, true to the novella movie. The novella has an open ending, however, in which the surviving characters don’t know what will happen to them. Frank Darabont thought this would make an unsatisfactory ending for a movie (probably true), and decided a grisly ironic twist at the end would be great (false). So he has the main characters driving through the mist, hoping to find their way out of it, and they run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. This was an immediate eyebrow-raiser: even considering the nasty creatures out there, when my gas tank hit 1/4 to near-empty, I’d be looking for a safe place to refuel, or ANYWHERE where we could safely stop. So characters who showed lots of intelligence throughout the film suddenly become dumb.

Stuck in a car in the mist, they decide to all shoot themselves to avoid letting monsters eat them. Again, this seems completely against everything the characters had done previously in the film. Furthermore, it makes them all look like idiots: they left the supermarket, a place with food and relative safety, to shoot themselves in the middle of nowhere. Alas, there are five of them, and only four bullets. So the ‘hero’ of the story shoots everyone but himself, including his young son, and then leaps out of the car, sobbing madly for the monsters to take him (at this point, I could hear most of the audience giggling). But — and here’s the ‘ironic twist’ — the mist almost immediately breaks, to reveal that the army is clearing out all the monsters and everything is safe now. If only he had waited a few more minutes before killing everyone! This sort of twist is especially grating in the film because it has been otherwise completely irony-deficient. It completely destroys the tone.

Furthermore, the apocalyptic feel of the rest of the film is ruined because we now know that the threat is over, and the army’s in charge again. Yay! The world is safe! Aren’t you scared?

2. Invaders From Mars. This remake of a classic cold-war paranoia tale was directed by Tobe Hooper, creator of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, who really should have known better. A young boy notices that his family and others in his neighborhood start acting strangely. It turns out they’ve been taken over by… wait for it… INVADERS FROM MARS!

Actually, I found the film quite enjoyable, for the most part. But when the climax of the movie arrives, and the army is driving the aliens back, suddenly the young boy wakes up! IT WAS ALL A DREAM! But… wait! What’s that noise in the hall? The aliens are out there! It wasn’t a dream after all… or was it?  No, seriously… was it?  I have no clue.
The ending doesn’t provide any shocks or scares whatsoever, only a ‘what the hell was that all about’ feeling. Having confusing things happen in a horror movie can be unsettling, but having things happen which make no freaking sense at all is just dumb.

3. The Village. M. Night Shyamalan’s fourth major film demonstrated the trap he put himself in when The Sixth Sense became a hit. He had done such an amazing job setting up a clever, unexpected ‘twist’ ending that apparently he felt like he needed to keep them coming. Unfortunately, when everyone is expecting some sort of ‘twist’ at the ending, you probably aren’t going to surprise people at all, because they’re watching the movie very carefully for clues.

The Village is about a seemingly 19th-century village which is isolated from the outside world by sinister creatures in the surrounding woods. When a young man in the village challenges the creatures, and ventures into the ‘forbidden zone’, the truce between the villagers and the creatures seems to come to an end.

The story has a lot going for it, and there are a lot of clever ideas built into it. At the end of the film, however, young blind Ivy Walker is sent out by the village elders to fetch medicine for the dying young man. In our ‘surprise’ twist, we find that the village is actually in the modern world, and a bunch of rich people decided to return to a simpler time by isolating themselves in the wilderness. The creatures were invented to keep their unknowing children from leaving.

I was excited when I heard Shyamalan was making this film. Unfortunately, when I read the plot synopsis, I immediately said to myself, “I hope it’s not a village in the modern world isolated by the use of fake monsters.”

Among other things, the power of twist endings relies a lot on misdirection. If people are warned about the twist, and are looking for clues, they will find them; there’s only so many places you can hide things in a 2-hour movie. Stories that successfully surprise you give you clues before you know that you should be looking for clues. The extra problem with The Village‘s twist is that it was very obvious. It was, in fact, the first thing I thought of.

4. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.  This one isn’t particularly distinguished, but is indicative of a whole group of cheesy slasher movie endings.  The original ‘I know what you did…’ concerned a group of kids who hit a stranger with their car, dump the seemingly dead body in the ocean, and are later haunted and stalked by a killer who ‘knows what they did’.  The killer apparently dies at the end of the first film, but in the sequel crazy Ben Willis is back to kill again.  By the end of the film, he’s dead again, which sets us up for the ‘shocker’ ending where he appears alive yet again to attack Jennifer Love Hewitt.

I suppose that sort of ending works for teenagers, who only care about being shocked yet one more time, but for me it ends up being a “What the Hell?” ending.  In my defense, I only saw the film because I had it on in the background on cable while doing work on the computer.  Every Friday the 13th after the first, and every Halloween after the third, suffers from the same sort of sad ending.

5.  House on Haunted Hill and 6.  The Haunting.  1999 was a bad year for bad remakes of classic horror films with really bad tacked on endings.  Both films here suffered from a severe case of CGItis: the need to throw in some hokey computer-generated effects to make the film more ‘scary’.  The plot of the original House on Haunted Hill turns out to involve no supernatural shenanigans at all, only a clever murder scheme.  The remakers decided that the end of the film needed the ‘heroes’ to be chased around by spooky black goopy ghosts.  The original Haunting, based on The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, is a subtle film that is one of the scariest of all time.  It concerns the efforts of an evil house to drive a psychologically vulnerable woman over the brink to madness and death.  Again, the remake, by action film director Jan de Bont, substitutes CGI for subtlety, and puts in a final CGI chase scene in the end in which the woman survives!

I hardly need explain what’s wrong with these endings.  The most effective scares come from not seeing the monster or ghost clearly, and tacking CGI onto a film ‘just because’ ends up feeling like a pointless non sequitur.

Incidentally, there is one reason to see House on Haunted Hill, and that’s Geoffrey Rush’s excellent imitation of Vincent Price.


Whew!  That was rough!  Now, I feel duty-bound to describe some of my favorite horror movie endings.  This list is by no means complete, but are some of the films that immediately came to mind.  Of course, this section will also be SPOILER-LADEN, so tread carefully.  These endings are definitely ones you want to see for yourself.

1.  Halloween (1978)
2.  The Thing (1982)
3.  Night of the Living Dead (1968)
4.  The Blair Witch Project (1999)
5.  Tombs of the Blind Dead (1971) (WARNING: ONLY the ending is good!)
6.  The Sixth Sense (1999)

In detail:

1.  Halloween.  Michael Myers, having stalked Jamie Lee Curtis and killed all her friends through out the movie, finally has six bullets emptied into him by Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasance) and tumbles off the balcony.  After attending to Jamie, Dr. Loomis looks out again on the fallen Michael — only to find him gone!  The sense of relief we felt when Loomis opened fire immediately disappears — and the movie ends…

2.   The Thing.  John Carpenter in his day could really make an ending!  The movie, about an Antarctic research team who are stalked by a shapeshifting alien parasite, culminates in the destruction of the Antarctic base in an attempt to destroy the creature.  Were they successful?  Two men survive, and face each other on the frozen plain.  Neither is sure if the other is infected, and they can’t let the alien reach the civilized world, which would certainly result in the end of mankind.  So they just sit, and watch each other, and wait to freeze to death…

3.   Night of the Living Dead.  I hardly need explain what this film is about!  A small group of people barricade themselves in a house to defend against an onslaught of the living dead.  The ending is completely irony-laden: the sole survivor ends up barricading himself in the basement for protection, after arguing through most of the film that it would be the worst place to seek refuge.  At last, he is awakened by the sound of gunfire.  The ‘cavalry’ has arrived, in the form of law enforcement with rifles.  Stunned, emotionally drained, and not unlike a zombie himself, the survivor looks out on his rescuers… and is mistaken for a zombie and shot dead.  This is how an ironic ending should be done, and it fits perfectly with the tone of the rest of the movie.

4.   The Blair Witch Project.  Often vilified, this ‘reality-TV’-esque horror film is shown from the video point of view of a group of college kids who get lost in the woods and are apparently stalked by the legendary Blair Witch herself.  The end of the film involves a frantic chase by two kids through an abandoned house, looking for their missing third member.  A second man disappears, and we get a brief image, through the eyes of the camera, of him standing in the corner of the basement just before the camerawoman is struck down.  The legend of the Blair Witch involved her standing up victims in the corner before slaying…

5.  Tombs of the Blind Dead.  This old, low-budget Spanish horror film involves undead, blind Knights Templar rising up, chasing down and feasting upon people.  The film overall doesn’t have a lot to recommend about it, and includes some scenes that are quite offensive, including a gratuitous and unnecessary rape scene near the end.  The ending, though, is a gem, and had me laughing: the sole survivor of the Templars flees towards a passing train.  The good-natured engineer sees her, stops the train, and gets her on board, but not before the Templars catch up.  They slay the engineer, who in dying starts the train again, and then they turn on the innocent, unsuspecting passengers of the train.  The film ends with the train pulling into the nearest town with its deadly cargo.  This ending exemplifies the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished!”

6.  The Sixth Sense.  This is the way a good surprise twist ending should be done.  Shyamalan does a masterful job of misdirection — we’re so focused on all the dead people chasing down the young boy we don’t think to ask whether everyone else around him is alive…

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23 Responses to The crappiest horror movie endings I can think of… and some of the best!

  1. Personal Demon says:

    Way WAAAY up there on the list (or down there… I guess it depends on whether we’re talking about sinkers or floaters), you’ve gotta include <a href=””Event Horizon. Although the film has a strong start and terrific cinematography, the skuttlebutt at release time was that the studio decided to “fix” it by cutting 40 minutes. It makes me wonder if a director’s cut would salvage it. Mind you, the director was <a href=””Paul W. S. Anderson, whose only non-awful film was Resident Evil, so I am not holding my breath.

  2. Personal Demon says:

    crap… stupid HTML

  3. PD: Event Horizon is a good one! I was trying to think of the best PWS Anderson film to put in this category; I was going for Aliens vs. Predator…

  4. Nullifidian says:

    The House on Haunted Hill disappointed me. What I thought they were going to do was set up a supernatural revenge story with the ghosts of the tortured mental patients enacting their various revenges upon the descendants of their old tormentors. Asylums, for many centuries, were pretty much indistinguishable from torture centers, even to the point of forced sterilization of people deemed mentally unfit, and that theme would be a good device for any supernatural horror film. Then they chucked all that away and went for this shapeless black goo. What a cheat.

    I’d also include Saw on the list of the worst offenders. I’ve not seen any of the subsequent ones, but the original was the worst film I’d seen in the previous ten years, bar none. I was so bored that I can only equate it to the time I watched Catherine Breillat’s Romance for sheer, life-sapping dullness. To start off with, they had WAY too many cutaways and flashbacks. There must have been twenty, and many of them were not even informative. They forgot the best way to ratchet up tension in a locked-room situation is to not leave the room.

    Then there was the villain. Slasher films need plausible villains, and this one was the most implausible villain since the theory that Jack the Ripper was Prince Albert Victor. I could tell early on that “Jigsaw” was gravely ill, from his labored breathing and coughing. There was only one gravely ill character introduced: the cancer patient. Not only did I figure it out, I foresaw the “twist” ending by simply thinking of what the stupidest thing they could possibly do would be.

    And the stupidest thing is to imply that an elderly terminal cancer patient can lay all night on a cold tile floor between two men attentive for even the slightest clue that will help them get out of there without uttering even a single groan of pain or fatigue.

    • G0DD6196 says:

      Just to include in your saw comments, the saw series of seven movies has possibly one of if not the best twist in any movie series i have seen, the movies by themselves are rubbish only used for people who enjoy slasher gore movies but together in a series like they’re supposed to be tell an amazing story that many people dont notice

  5. Nullifidian: I totally agree with The House on Haunted Hill. I went to see the film because the premise had such promise, and with Geoffrey Rush and Famke Janssen in the cast, it had the acting to make it happen. Instead, though, they went for the goo.

    I have to admit I’ve never actually seen Saw! I’ve evolved into steering clear of ‘crazed killer’ and ‘torture’ horror in recent years, probably because there’s already too much of that in the real world for my tastes. Your assessment makes me think I haven’t missed much.

    You’ve made me think that another way to ruin an ending is to introduce a ‘lazy twist ending’: make the surprise so implausible and unlikely in real-world terms that people won’t guess it because it’s so stupid. Sounds Like Saw fits that description.

  6. lol says:

    lol you acutally take blair witch project as a good ending and take the mist as a bad ending…… how pathetic and sad ..just no..noo

    • G0DD6196 says:

      I 100% agree with skull on this one, The Blair Which project is a completely undermined movie which the main reason people didnt like it was because they didnt actually understand the whole reasoning for the ending and didnt bother to pay attention to the myths described during the movie.

  7. “how pathetic and sad ..just no..noo”

    Oh, noes! Some random, anonymous person doesn’t like my opinion! Whatever shall I do?

  8. Tim Elliot says:

    Great blog! Will be returning here for more book suggestions. I liked your comments on _House on Haunted Hill_. The ending was so bad, in the last scene of the film the characters watch the sun rise over the ocean in California!

  9. Tim Elliot says:

    Sorry for double-post. Just ready your favorite horror endings. Yeah, Sixth Sense was effective for me — then really embarassing that it was so effective. It’s the cliqued ghost story “twist” ending that we used to tell each other as kids at camp.

    • Tim wrote: “Sorry for double-post.”

      You’re allowed to post more than once, provided you’re not a Nigerian general offering to put cash in my bank account, or selling discount Viagra! 😛

  10. Gabriel S. says:

    Great article. I have one little disagreement over Tombs of the Blind Dead. Although, I agree that the nihilistic ending was cool, I feel that it doesn’t make sense. How can blind, undead medieval knights know what a train is and how to enter said train to kill the passengers. Ossorio could have had a joke ending with the Templars attacking the train like it was a dragon. It would have been cheesy but no more than the sequels were. It would be more logical and reference Don Quixote and the windmills.

    • Thanks! I totally agree that the ending of the film doesn’t make sense. However, for me, that was part of the odd charm of it! It was sort of an (almost) out of the blue WTF moment.

  11. Kirk G says:

    Dear skullsinthestars,
    Really enjoyed your artical, both on the best/worst endings, but also the review of “The Thing” movies. I was curious what your taken on the two “Solaris” movies was? I caught the original russian film late night on TV in the 1970s, but didn’t remember it until I ordered it on DVD after enjoying the George Clooney remake, and sought out the original. Didn’t recognise I’d seen it before until the cryptic ending. What do you make of them?

  12. Kirk G. says:

    May I suggest you view the George Clooney version of “Solaris” as it is in color and English. The original russian movie is frequently incomprehensible, though creative in spots. (PS: I do know how to spell “article” but could not edit my comment once posted!)

  13. G0DD6196 says:

    This list is perfect and i also love your list of best endings. The Mist is the worst ending for any type of film or book that ive ever read/watched or heard of EVER. There are so many better ways it could have ended that it makes me literally angry to watch, haha.

  14. David says:

    Stumbled across this blog (interesting!) and have to comment…..the ending of “The Mist” was great. Yes, another anonomyous person disagreeing with you, but hey you put it out here for public comment 🙂

    It was great because you didn’t expect it. It looked like a sad, but tastefully done ending when the hero does the most difficult and well-meaning thing to protect his family/friends. THEN it becomes even more sad when you realize (and the director thankfully allows the hero to realize) that it was not necessary and tragic.

    I like happy endings as much as anyone else, but most movies these days have sappy, tie-the-loose-ends-together endings that defy logic. Wasn’t “Se7en” great!? Sad and tragic ending, but hey the whole movie was dark and mean…it stayed true to the earlier parts.

    • Yes, another anonomyous person disagreeing with you…

      Hey! No disagreeing! 😛

      I can see where you’re coming from, but I ended up finding the ending quite disappointing. I suppose the worst thing for me is that it took a short story that was originally written to be an apocalyptic one and in essence turned it into a horror vignette. By the end of the movie,the government is “cleaning up”, and the dark apocalypse of the short story is removed. I certainly don’t need a happy ending either, but the open-ended, ambiguous ending of the novella felt much more unsettling than the ending to the movie, IMHO.

      • Joshua 13 says:

        Stephen King, who wrote the story The Mist, considered the movie an improvement on his own ending. I agree with him.

  15. III says:

    What people like you see in ambiguous sad depressing apocalyptic endings, I’ll never know. They just come across as if the writer ran out of ideas and tries to make the ending and themselves look cleverer. “What do you think happen?” or “It’s the end, everyone is dead”… oh please… I can barely think of a handful of stories where I didn’t mind it, but in those cases, some of the questions were at least answered and you had a pretty good idea what happen to everyone. But half the time, just give us an damn ending!

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